Saturday, June 4, 2011

Today is the first day of the rest of your life... so live with no regrets

    Well, it's Saturday, June 4, 2011, and here I am starting a blog. My name is Emily Denise Garnett, I'm 36 years old, am married to Rick, and have two daughters- Abby (age 5) and Zoe (age 8), and  I'm pursuing a Master's degree in Marriage and Family counseling through Capella University.  This is something I've been wanting to do for awhile and for various reasons that will be explained shortly. You must know from the outset however, that I have a terrible tendency to start these sorts of things, and then kinda fall off the wagon... so don't be too dissappointed  if you get interested in my life and then I suddenly disappear, lol, I'll likely show back up- it just may be awhile. 
   At this point, I have some ideas about how I want to strucutre this blog, but I'm not going to make it anything real formal... I am terribly perfectionistic when it comes to things like this, and feel I need to "fly by the seat of my pants" with this as a therapeutic endeavor of sorts. That said, I'm mostly going to just try to write whenever the feeling hits me about whatever is on my mind at that particular moment. The only thing I plan to do diligently- plan being the key word here, lol, is end each blog session with a relevant quote or two. Please share any awesome ones you may have, as I'm always game for acquiring new ones to ponder about and add to my collection.
   I've been on the planet now for 36 years, and there are alot of moments I wish I had physically logged, but at the same time, my general motto in life, and hence the name of this musing, is to , in general,  live with no regrets, and that with faith, hope and love, anything is possible. Hence, instead of living with that regret, today, by starting this blog, I'm turning over a new leaf, and doing something about it, so that atleast I can say I tried.  If I fall off the wagon, it's o.k.- i can run along till I catch up- which I usually do :).  This, I suppose, is my  primary reason for wanting to do this; just to have some sort of documentation of my life as I see it- to look back on and share with future generations (if they are interested) when I'm old and gray. We live in such a busy world today, and I sometimes get this feeling like I'm moving so fast through life that I have no time to really reflect on it, much less absorb any lessons that emerge from those reflections. That's  not to say I'm not a deep thinker though- I am, but all my thoughts tend to clutter my brain, so I figure maybe if I log them here, it will free up some space upstairs, if you know what I mean. 
     I've recently realized, some on my own, and some through discussions with my therapist, how much I'm being changed  both through my schooling process, and raising special needs children, and I want to document those thoughts and feelings while their fresh on my my mind.  I want to document all "a-ha" moments in my life, the things my kids are learning and doing, the things I'm learning and doing.  School is definitely hard work, but has broadened my mind exponentially, my heart is in it, I know where I'm headed and like the looks of it. When I think about my kiddos, my heart swells with absolute joy to see them maturing so well.  As many of you already know, Zoe has Asperger's Syndrome/High funcitoning Autism, and Abby also struggles with some similar, but yet to be pinned down mental health issues; it definitely has been/and continues to be a roller-coaster ride raising them, but we are continually gaining ground, even if we have to take one step back sometimes...My faith has brought me to this point, so I look forward to the days that come, and though worry does creep in sometimes, I refuse to let it take root in my soul. 
    Reason 3 for this blog is that I find myself at a place in life where I'm pretty disgruntled with the state of the world right now.... Why is war necessary?;why are people not more grateful (in general)- people complain and get up in arms over the smallest things it seems, and can just be downright ugly- to their kids, their spouses, the cashier, etc.; why can't we all just hold hands and get along, lol ? <- and I'm only half joking here. I'm such a zealous, happy, optimistic person in general, that I have a hard time with negativity and violence...Now, changing the entire world, though I'd like to- as I have been known to be somewhat controlling- lol, is something I'm aware I cannot do... but I'm committed to at-least doing my part- a topic we'll discuss in depth at some point I hope. So reason 3 then is to vent these frustrations, connect with others who may have the same ones, and share my experience, strength and hope in how I attempt to deal with all the things I can't control, and learn how others try to let these things go.  In short, I guess my way of dealing with all this hatefullness, is by attempting, in both my personal and future professional life,  to be a light shining in the dark that  guide others towards what I feel is a more fulfilling, meaningful, and joyful path.

I Guess that will be about all for today, and so I'll close with some quotes by some leading ladies of history that sum up my point of view on life  pretty well, and seem relevant to today's musings.
 "Surely, in the light of history, it is more intelligent to hope than to fear, to try rather than to not try. For one thing we know beyond all doubt; Nothing has ever been achieved by the person who says it can't be done"  
  "you have to believe in your abilities and be tough enough to follow through"- Eleanor Roosevelt

"I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship"- Emily Dickinson

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